Head West on Juan De Fuca Hwy/Sooke Rd/BC-14 W
0.2 km2 minutes
Turn right to stay on Townsend Rd
0.3 km 3 minutes
Turn left onto Wadams Way 0.2 km 1 minute
Turn right to cross Wadams Way
0.1 km1 minute
Head North on the park trail to the highest point in the park trail
0.8 km 10 minutes
Turn left to follow the trail back down to the trail intersection
0.3 km 3 minute
Turn right to follow the trail back to Otter Point Road near the Municipal offices
0.3 km 3 minute
Turn left onto Otter Point Road
0 km 0 minutes
Head South East on Otter Point Road crossing Wadams Way, until you reach Sooke Road
0.8 km 10 minutes
Turn Left/East onto Juan De Fuca Hwy/Sooke Rd/BC-14 W, crossing Townsend Road
to return to the kiosk/start and end point
0.2 km 2 minutes